It is important to know how to prepare for a Dialysis appointment in Nigeria. Dialysis is a process of artificially filtering the blood when the Kidney no longer works.

It is removing excess water, solutes, and toxins from the blood. In other words People whose kidneys are failing can get dialysis.

Your kidneys fail to filter blood properly when you have kidney failure. Wastes and toxins build up in your bloodstream as a result. Your kidneys are replaced by dialysis, which removes excess fluid and waste from the blood.

Prior to undergoing hemodialysis, patients need first to have a surgical procedure to prepare them for ongoing treatment.

Preparation for hemodialysis ideally starts several weeks to months before dialysis is necessary. However, if the need for dialysis is urgent, there are options for access which can be used immediately.

To allow for easy access to the bloodstream, a surgeon will create vascular access. The access provides a mechanism for blood to be safely removed from circulation, filtered, and then returned to the body.

What do the kidneys do?

Dialysis is closely associated with the kidney. Therefore, as a part of the information on how to prepare for a Dialysis appointment in Nigeria, it is pertinent that we know what a kidney does.

Your urinary system includes your kidneys. On each side of your spine, below your ribcage are these two organs in the shape of beans. They remove toxins from your blood and deliver filtered, nutrient-rich blood back into your body.

Urine is produced by combining waste and extra water and passing through the kidneys to the bladder. Your blood pressure is also controlled by your kidneys.

There are two types of Dialysis

As a part of how to prepare for a Dialysis appointment in Nigeria, it is important that you know the two types of Dialysis;


In hemodialysis, blood is taken out of your body, filtered through an artificial kidney, and the cleaned blood is returned to your body. Three times per week, this three- to five-hour procedure may take place in a hospital or dialysis centre.

Hemodialysis can also be performed at home. You might require treatments at home four to seven times per week, each lasting less time. You can opt to perform hemodialysis at home during your sleep. 

What happens before hemodialysis?

You will have a minor surgery to make it easier to get into the bloodstream before you start hemodialysis. You might have

AV fistula, or arteriovenous fistula: An artery and vein in your arm are connected by a surgeon.
AV graft (arteriovenous graft): Your surgeon will use a graft, which is a soft, hollow tube, to connect the artery and vein if they are too short to connect.
Access to dialysis is made simpler by the enlargement of the connected artery and vein by AV fistulas and grafts. Additionally, they speed up blood flow throughout your body.

A thin tube known as a catheter may be inserted into a vein in your neck, chest, or leg to provide you with temporary access if dialysis needs to be performed quickly.

You will learn how to prevent infections in your graft or fistula from occurring. This supplier will likewise tell you the best way to do hemodialysis at home assuming you decide to do as such.

What happens during hemodialysis?

You will have minor surgery to make it easier to get into the bloodstream before you start hemodialysis. You might have the dialysis machine used during hemodialysis. An armed needle is used to remove blood.

It moves waste into a dialysis solution by circulating the blood through a dialyzer filter. Water, salt, and other additives are present in this cleansing liquid. Through a different needle in your arm, filtered blood is returned to your body.

The dialysis machine adjusts the rate at which blood flows into and out of your body by monitoring your blood pressure.

Peritoneal dialysis:

With peritoneal dialysis, a dialysis solution filters blood through tiny blood vessels in the abdominal lining (peritoneum). Water, salt, and other additives are included in this solution, which is a type of cleansing liquid.

Home peritoneal dialysis is performed. This treatment can be carried out in two ways:

A machine known as a cycler is used for automated peritoneal dialysis.
It Manually administers continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).

What happens before peritoneal dialysis?

You will have a minor surgery about three weeks before you start peritoneal dialysis. A flexible, thin tube known as a catheter is inserted into the peritoneum through your belly by a surgeon. The placement of this catheter is permanent.

You will learn how to perform peritoneal dialysis at home and how to prevent infections at the catheter site from a healthcare professional.

What happens during peritoneal dialysis?

One side of the catheter is connected to a Y-shaped tube. The dialysis solution is stored in a bag that this tube connects to. The catheter and tube carry the solution into the peritoneal cavity.

When the bag is empty, you are to disconnect the catheter and tube after approximately ten minutes.
you will need to remove the catheter’s cap.
You can go about your normal activities while the body’s waste and extra fluids are taken in by the dialysis solution in the peritoneal cavity. This can take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes.

After removing the catheter’s cap, you use the other branch of the Y-shaped tube to drain the fluid into a clean, empty bag.

These steps can be done up to four times a day. Throughout the night, you sleep with the solution in your stomach.

Peritoneal dialysis can be performed at night for some people. A machine known as a cycler pumps fluid into and out of your body while you sleep with automated peritoneal dialysis.

This information goes a long way in teaching you how to prepare for a Dialysis appointment in Nigeria

Who Needs Dialysis?

If your kidney disease becomes very severe and crosses a point where there’s not enough function to maintain the body, then you need either a transplant or dialysis.

You typically start dialysis when you have symptoms or your lab tests show toxic levels of waste in your blood. Symptoms of kidney failure include nauseafatigue, swelling, and throwing up. 

When you should start dialysis depends on your age, energy level, overall health, lab test results and how willing you are to commit to a treatment plan. Although it can make you feel better and live longer, it involves a lot of your time.

Your doctor will let you know when you should start treatment. They’ll also explain which type might work best for you.

What Can I Expect When I Go Through Dialysis?

It shouldn’t hurt. If you have pain during or after treatment, tell your doctor right away. You may have side effects, though. Low blood pressure is common. You could also have nausea, vomiting, dry or itchy skinmuscle cramps, or feel very tired.

You can lessen side effects by being careful about what you eat and drink. Your doctor can advise how much fluid, protein, and salt you should have. 

At Eleos Specialist hospital located in Umuahia, South East Nigeria, we have specialist that deals with dialysis issues. You can contact us for your online consultation or you can visit us at the hospital.

Read our article on home remedies that can lower your risk of kidney stonesHERE

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