Eleos Specialist Hospital now performs Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, also known as Keyhole Surgery for Prostate Cancer.

There are two options of Surgery when you aim to achieve cure for prostate cancer:

Open Surgery

Keyhole Surgery( Either laparoscopic or robotic)

In Radical Prostatectomy, the entire prostate and its covering( Capsule)  including the seminal vesicles and some times including lymph nodes are removed. This provides the chance of cure for patients with early prostate cancer.

Both the open surgery and the keyhole surgery achieves the same aim of complete removal of the prostate, but the advantage of the keyhole surgery over the open surgery stems from the fact that the surgeon will go through tiny holes on the tommy to reach your prostate rather than the long cuts of open surgery, this makes for lesser discomfort following surgery, shorter hospital stay and faster return to work as well as the presence of little or no scars.


  1. If it is discovered you have a prostate cancer that has not spread outside your prostate. In which case removing the prostate will cure you of the prostate cancer ie stage 1 or 2 prostate cancer
  2. If it is discovered you have a prostate cancer that has spread just outside the prostate to the immediate surrounding structures ie the prostate cancer has not spread to distant sites. This is stage 3 prostate cancer.

Pateints with late stage 3 prostate cancer or stage 4 prostate cancer will not benefit from any of these procedures. They are rather placed on treatments to possibly reduce the advancement of the prostate cancer. One of such treatments which is surgically oriented is the removal of the two testes.



The surgery is done under combined Spinal and Epidural anaesthesia or General Anaesthesia.


  1. Infection

Antibiotics are usually administered to avoid this. Symptoms include fever, shivering fluidy discharge from the surgical site. Usually adjustment in antibiotics takes care of this.

2. Difficulty getting an erection

This usually resolves after a period of time following surgery. Most patients will need to be supported with drugs in the initial period following surgery. Very few others will require other interventions to take care of this.

3. Leakage of Urine

Most patients will have leakage of urine (Incontinence) following surgery. This resolves over a short period of time in most patients especially when the patient dedicatedly engages in Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises.

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